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LAUC-M Bylaws

LAUC-M Bylaws 20180509 Word Version

Table of Contents

Article I. Name
Article II. Objectives
Article III. Membership
Article IV. Officers and Executive Board
Article V. Duties of the Officers and Executive Board
Article VI. Meetings
Article VII. Elections
Article VIII. Committees
Article IX. Representation in the Librarians Association of the University of California
Article X. Amendments
Article XI. LAUC-M Archives


The Librarians Association of the University of California, Merced (LAUC-M) is a Division of the Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC) which is recognized as an official unit of the University of California (APM 360, Appendix B).

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Section l. LAUC-M is authorized to serve in an advisory capacity to the University of California on professional and governance matters of concern to all librarians.

Section 2. LAUC-M shall advise the campus administration and the library administration on the operations and policies of the libraries.

Section 3. LAUC-M shall advise the campus administration and the library administration on professional standards, rights, privileges, and obligations of members of the librarian series of the University of California, Merced.

Section 4. LAUC-M shall advise the campus administration and the library administration on the planning, evaluation, and implementation of programs, services, or technological changes in the libraries of the University of California, Merced.

Section 5. LAUC-M shall maintain liaison with librarians of the other campuses of the University of California and shall participate in the Librarians Association of the University of California.

Section 6. LAUC-M shall not advise the campus administration or the library administration with respect to matters which are covered by a union Memorandum of Understanding or are otherwise subject to negotiation with an exclusive bargaining agent.

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Section 1. Membership in LAUC-M shall consist of the University Librarian, all persons at UC Merced holding appointments half time or more in the librarian series, or in any one of the following academic payroll titles: Associate University Librarian, Assistant University Librarian, or in the same series or titles in an acting capacity.

Section 2. All members, except as specified in Section 3 of this article, shall be eligible to vote in LAUC-M elections, to hold LAUC-M office, except as specified in Article VII, to serve on LAUC-M committees, except as specified below for CAPA, and to serve as delegates to the LAUC Assembly.

Section 3. Persons employed in academic titles within the library, librarians at UC Merced on less than half-time appointments, and retired LAUC-M members shall have affiliate membership. Affiliate members may participate in general meetings of LAUC-M and the LAUC Assembly, but may not make motions, nominate candidates, become officers, serve on committees, be eligible for research and professional development funds, vote, or serve as delegates to the Assembly.

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Section 1. The officers of LAUC-M shall be the Chair, the Vice-Chair/ Chair Elect, and Secretary.

Section 2. Term of office shall be one year, commencing September 1.

Section 3. The officers of LAUC-M shall constitute the Executive Board.

Section 4. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Chair, the Vice-Chair/Chair Elect shall succeed for the remainder of the term and the Secretary shall succeed to the office of Vice-Chair/Chair Elect for the remainder of the term. The next eligible member in turn shall become Secretary for the remainder of the term.

Section 5. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Vice-Chair/Chair Elect, the Secretary shall succeed for the remainder of the term.  The next eligible member in turn shall become Secretary for the remainder of the term.

Section 6. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Secretary, the next eligible member in turn shall become Secretary for the remainder of the term.

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Section 1. The Chair shall:

  1. perform the usual functions of that office
  2. serve as a member of the LAUC Executive Board
  3. serve as a delegate to the LAUC Assembly
  4. serve as chair of CAPA

Section 2. The Vice-Chair/Chair Elect shall:

  1. assume the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence or incapacity
  2. serve as a delegate to the LAUC Assembly

Section 3. The Secretary shall:

  1. perform the usual functions of that office
  2. maintain the roster of LAUC-M members
  3. maintain and make available to LAUC-M members the minutes of any general membership meeting
  4. inform the LAUC Secretary of the results of LAUC-M elections and other changes in officers or delegates to the LAUC Assembly

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Section 1. Each year there shall be a general membership meeting in the fall and in the spring.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, the Executive Board, or by the written request of twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership.

Section 3. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4. A quorum is not required to hold general membership or special meetings. A quorum is required to transact business.

Section 5. The current edition of the Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure governs LAUC-M in all parliamentary situations that are not covered by these bylaws.

Section 6. Information about, and agendas for, meetings shall be provided to the membership in advance.

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Section 1. The University Librarian and the Deputy University Librarian are not eligible to serve as officers of LAUC-M.

Section 2. Eligible members shall serve in the various offices by rotation. The Secretary shall maintain a list of the dates of each eligible member’s service as an officer in order to assist in determining the rotation. The Vice-Chair/Chair Elect shall become Chair and the Secretary shall become Vice-Chair/Chair Elect. The next eligible member in turn shall become Secretary. Whenever a new librarian is hired, that person shall become the next Secretary.

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Section 1. LAUC-M Committees

  1. Until the membership of LAUC-M increases to a number sufficient to effectively populate committees, the Executive Board shall manage tasks that might conventionally be delegated to standing or ad hoc committees.
  2. The Executive Board is empowered to charge committees as needed.

Section 2. Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement (CAPA)

  1. The Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement reviews appointment, merit increase, promotion, and career status for members of the librarian series.
  2. All LAUC-M members shall serve on CAPA with the exception of the University Librarian and Deputy University Librarian. A member under review, and that member’s review initiator, will not participate on his or her CAPA review. In addition, a member will not participate in the review of his or her immediate supervisor.
  3. Responsibilities of CAPA are described in APM 360-6.

  4. Instructions to CAPA are provided in APM 210-4.

Section 3. LAUC Statewide Committees

  1. The Executive Board shall designate members to serve on LAUC standing and ad hoc committees.
  2. Notice of such designations shall be transmitted to the President of LAUC by September for terms commencing October 1.

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Section 1. Representation in LAUC shall be in accordance with the LAUC Bylaws.

Section 2. The LAUC-M Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve as delegates to the LAUC Assembly.


Section 1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed in writing to the Executive Board by any member of LAUC-M.

Section 2. Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing to the membership at least two weeks before they are voted upon.

Section 3. Amendments become adopted with a majority vote of the LAUC-M membership.

Section 4. Amendments to these Bylaws are subject to approval by the LAUC Committee on Professional Governance.

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Section 1. LAUC-M archives shall be housed in the University of California, Merced Library.

Section 2. The Secretary shall deposit appropriate records in the archives.

Bylaws Revision Details


Adopted 12/09/2003 incorporating revisions suggested by the Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction.
Revised 05/17/2005 to add the position of Vice-Chair/Chair Elect
Revised 08/27/2009 to conform to the revised LAUC bylaws and to revise Article VII.
Revised 05/24/2013 to remove references to the number of members in LAUC-M in Article VII and Article VIII; revisions approved by statewide LAUC Committee on Professional Governance.
Revised 05/09/2018 to extend affiliate membership category to persons employed in academic titles within the library; to clarify succession for the Executive Board in the case of vacancies; clarify duties of the Secretary; and align Article VIII. Section 2.b. language with Librarian Review Procedures G.1.a.