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Books by Subject

Wed, December 9, 2009

Do you have a research project that needs a book or two? An easy way to get an idea of what books you may want is to look for books by subject. There are a couple ways to do this.

The online method is to go to our website. There is a Quick Search bar near the top of the page, with many different search tabs on top of it. You can search just our UC catalog or you can search all the UCs using Next Gen Melvyl, and get those books through ILL. If you are using our catalog, then there is a drop-down menu where you can select to search by subject. Next Gen Melvyl has an “Advanced Search” button at the bottom you can use to search by subject.

It is good to note our library uses the Library of Congress Classification system. This means that books of like subject will be near each other. For example, books whose call number begins with a ‘Q’ are science books, while ‘P’ books are literature and language books. Therefore an easy way to find books of a certain subject would be to simply find that subjects letter, and find that section of the library. This site shows the Library of Congress Classification system, however you can also find this on the side of the bookshelves, as well as what floor each section is on.