Where’s all the furniture?
You may have noticed some empty spaces in the Library and asked yourself, wasn’t there a couch here? And a chair over there? Where is all the furniture?
In July, the Library sent 30 pieces of furniture to our partners Tangram Interiors in Fresno, CA to be reupholstered and repaired. This is a result of a furniture condition inventory conducted earlier this year. We identified a total of 50 damaged pieces; the remaining 20 pieces are slated for repair next summer.
Most of our furniture has been around since the opening of UC Merced. Our custodial team does a wonderful job keeping the furniture looking like new, but after 10 years, some of our pieces were showing their age. Before sending off the furniture, the Library considered the overall impact of purchasing replacement pieces versus the efforts of reupholstery and repair.
The furniture will be back in place for the start of the fall semester.