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DIY Tutorials

Watch these videos at your own pace to learn more about library topics, research skills, and resources.

Library Basics

This quick video will help UC Merced faculty, staff, and students easily use our campus room reservation system, EMS, to book KL 360 or KL 397.  (3:31)
Discover why the Virtual Private Network (VPN) is important for your library research and where you can locate VPN download information.
Learn how to navigate UC Library Search, the Library's new catalog for locating books, eBooks, articles, newspapers and more. (6:17)

Research Skills: Introductory

In this interactive tutorial, you will practice searching for information in the PubMed database. 
Use citation information (e.g. author, article title, journal title etc.) to find the full-text of that known item using a search tool like Google Scholar or UC Library Search. 
This tutorial series includes eight sections:Information Privilege & Accessing InformationUnderstanding the Information CycleDeveloping a Research QuestionFinding & Selecting...

Research Skills: Advanced

Credo Reference is a collection of searchable online reference books including specialized encyclopedias.  This is an excellent resource for readable, background information.  This tutorial...
Learn how CREDO Reference can help you locate important background information on a variety of topics. (3:11)
Use an article's citations trails to find more information related to your research. Look for citation trails in Web of Science, Google Scholar, and UC Library Search.

Resources & Tools

Through this tutorial you will learn how to access Sociological Abstracts to successfully limit results and access the full-text of articles and generate ASA citations.  
Academic Search Complete is a great database to use as you start your research. Learn how you can use it to access a wide range of materials.
Google can be easy to use, but do you know how to take advantage of its search capabilities? This tutorial will teach you fundamental Google search strategies for academic and personal use.