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Tutorials: Research-Skills-Intro

Find a Known Item

Use citation information (e.g. author, article title, journal title etc.) to find the full-text of that known item using a search tool like Google Scholar or UC Library Search. 

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Find Full-Text Through "Get it at UC"

Discover how to use the Get It at UC button to access the full-text of articles or books whether immediately or through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). (2:59)


Finding Databases

Discover how to find databases for your research using UC Merced Library's A-Z Databases listing. (1:20)

Creative Commons

PubMed: Intro to Basic Searching Tutorial

In this interactive tutorial, you will practice searching for information in the PubMed database. 

HTML version


Starting Your Research Series

Discover how to start your academic research with this guided tutorial.