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UC Library Search Sautter Award

Wed, October 26, 2022 2:35 PM


UC Libraries - Sautter Award

The UC libraries were recently recognized and received the Sautter award, given out by the UC Information Technology Leadership Council (ITLC) for innovation in information technology projects.

This award was given to the UC Libraries for the successful migration from ten independent library systems to a unified platform (UC Library Search). For four years more than 300 individuals across all UC campuses worked to implement this new system. The collective resources of the UC Libraries are now accessible from both local and systemwide levels, allowing users to search, access and use our resources faster.

UC Library Search also benefits the staff at each library; having all of the libraries on the same platform allows individuals to leverage the expertise of their peers across the system to solve problems and innovate. This has created communities of practice where individuals would have previously been siloed by circumstance.