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Melvyl Switching to WorldCat Discovery

Thu, February 14, 2019 12:45 PM

Melvyl Switching to WorldCat Discovery

Melvyl’s long-anticipated transition to WorldCat Discovery, OCLC’s newer discovery user interface, will happen this summer preceding the end-of-life date for WorldCat Local on August 9, 2019. Each UC campus will choose a switch over date after the end of their academic year allowing patrons to have a consistent user experience for the duration of the spring term. Although differences in the user experience are not substantial, Worldcat Discovery does come with some advantages.

  • WorldCat Discovery is built on OCLC’s newer technology infrastructure, facilitating continued expansion of functionality and interoperability with other services in the future.
  • The WorldCat Discovery interface automatically adapts to user devices such as smartphones, notebooks, laptops and desktop computers, giving patrons the same experience regardless of device.
  • WorldCat Discovery’s search algorithm delivers more relevant search results than the previous interfaces and will continue to improve with further search refinements in the future.

Stay tuned for more details as to UC Merced’s switch over date.