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Embedded Information Literacy (IL) in Courses

Librarians are excited to collaborate with faculty and departments to embed information literacy into specific courses and programs. 

Together we can

  • articulate information literacy (IL) outcomes of most importance to your course/program. 
  • identify where to emphasize and include IL in the curriculum.
  • determine the best strategies and methods to achieve IL outcomes.
  • design and create materials in support of IL outcomes. 
  • evaluate students’ IL abilities at the course/program level.

Case Study:

To embed information literacy into Writing 10 curriculum, librarians worked closely with MWP faculty on a project known as TRAIL -- Teaching Research And Information Literacy. 

Together librarians and MWP faculty developed materials (assignment, lesson plans, tutorials and reflection prompts) for use in the classroom with an emphasis on research as a process rather than an event.  Materials were front-loaded into the first seven weeks of the course prior to an in-person information literacy session with a librarian.

Students were encouraged to “Think as a Researcher” as they engaged in activities that extended beyond the mechanics of information-finding.  They also increased their knowledge of the information landscape (knowledge publishing cycle) and their ability to evaluate information (recognizing bias).

Based on an assessment of Writing 10 students’ final papers, those students participating in the TRAIL curriculum were more likely to use suitable sources and present arguments with multiple viewpoints at higher levels (Developing or Advanced) than their peers.

To explore how to embed information literacy (IL) into your course or program, email
