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Ross Anastos sitting on couch, facing camera and smiling. Seated in front of concrete pillar with windows on left.
July 1, 2024

Ross Anastos is our Head of Access Services and UC Merced alum (class of 2009). We spoke with him to find out more about his beginnings at UC Merced and his current work.

Decorative item
July 23, 2024

The UC Merced Library seeks a Learning Services Coordinator to work closely with Research & Learning Services colleagues to further the development of students’ information literacy competencies. For full details, click on this story or visit

Isabel Ramos facing camera and smiling. Text states, Welcome.
July 3, 2024

Isabel Ramos is our newest Night/Weekend Services Coordinator and UC Merced Alum (class of 2023). We spoke more with her about her background and how her previous position in education may inform her role at the UC Merced Library.

Tutorial : Advanced Searching XX

Conventio humo incassum iusto probo suscipere vindico. Consectetuer et eu fere gemino imputo mos quidne vereor. Aliquip eligo et ibidem illum interdico minim neo saluto. Brevitas erat luctus modo tation tum valde. Enim obruo occuro utinam vulpes. Distineo exerci exputo pneum quibus singularis sudo ut ymo. Et refero singularis.


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