The UC Merced Library, at its discretion, gratefully accepts donations of materials that will enrich existing collections and that support the teaching, research and public service mission of the university. The Library must be selective about the materials it accepts due to space limitations as well as the costs of processing, cataloging and managing gifts of physical items.
The Library generally does not accept items that:
We actively collect materials pertaining to the San Joaquin Valley, the Sierra Nevada, the history of the campus, and the academic and research activities of our faculty.
Please review our Collections Policy for our collecting priorities and guidelines. To make an informed decision, we consider the context as well as the content of materials, their provenance, uniqueness or rarity, and possible uses for our faculty, students, and researchers.
To offer materials for the Library’s Archives and Special Collections, please send a detailed description along with your contact information to Decisions to acquire materials are made by the director of Archives & Special Collections and curatorial team and may involve the University Librarian.
The Library selectively accepts donated materials in keeping with our guidelines.
We generally do not accept items in these categories:
To offer materials for the Library’s general collections, please create a list of the potential donation items and send to For more information, contact Jim Dooley, Head of Collection Services at 209-658-7161 or by email.
All accepted gifts become the property of the university. Materials accepted by Archives & Special Collections are governed by a deed of gift or other formal gift documentation outlining title transfer, rights, and responsibilities pertaining to the materials. UC Merced External Relations is responsible for evaluating all gifts for formal acceptance and will provide the donor with a letter acknowledging the receipt of all accepted gifts.
The Library cannot provide appraisals of accepted gifts. The value of the gift should be determined by the donor prior to transfer to the University.
Donors who wish to receive a tax deduction for their gift may be required by the IRS to file a completed IRS Form 8283. Donors are advised to seek the advice of an attorney or tax professional before claiming a deduction for their gift of more than $5,000 on their federal income tax return.