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Library News

UCANR Welcome Table at WAE 2019
CARA and Agricultural Education at the World Ag Expo
Author: Emily S. Lin

February 21, 2019

“Do you want to test your knowledge of California agriculture?” we asked visitors at the World Ag Expo last week. Young and old, students and seniors, teachers and parents, journalists and farmers, the confident and the hesitant, drew near and took part in our quiz game. Their task? To match three pictured items to the appropriate California county: Humboldt, in the North; Merced, in the Central Valley; and Ventura, in southern CA. As some participants guessed lemons in Humboldt, avocados in Merced, and timber in Ventura, we prompted them to consider regional geography and climate.

When we revealed the answers, visitors learned about the Klamath beetle, introduced by UC Cooperative Extension advisors and entomologists in Humboldt in the 1940s to combat a weed that had taken over 150,000 acres of rangeland and posed a danger to grazing livestock. The solution...

Melvyl Switching to WorldCat Discovery

February 14, 2019

Melvyl’s long-anticipated transition to WorldCat Discovery, OCLC’s newer discovery user interface, will happen this summer preceding the end-of-life date for WorldCat Local on August 9, 2019. Each UC campus will choose a switch over date after the end of their academic year allowing patrons to have a consistent user experience for the duration of the spring term.

Faculty Author Series: Jessica Trounstine

February 7, 2019

Join us for an author talk featuring Associate Professor Jessica Trounstine. Jessica will discuss her book, Segregation by Design, which draws on more than 100 years of quantitative and qualitative data from thousands of American cities to explore how local governments generate race and class segregation.

Starting in the early twentieth century, cities have used their power of land use control to determine the location and availability of housing, amenities (such as parks), and negative land uses (such as garbage dumps). The result has been segregation - first within cities and more recently between them.  Documenting changing patterns of segregation and their political mechanisms, Trounstine argues that city governments have pursued these policies to enhance the wealth and resources of white property owners at the expense of people of color and the...

Faculty Author Series: Maria DePrano

February 6, 2019

Maria DePrano will discuss her book, Art Patronage, Family, and Gender in Renaissance Florence: The Tornabuoni, which presents a comprehensive picture of how one Florentine family commissioned art to gain recognition in their society, revere God, honor family members, especially women, and memorialize deceased loved ones. This book examines the multi-media art patronage of three generations of the Tornabuoni family, who commissioned works from innovative artists, such as Sandro Botticelli and Rosso Fiorentino.


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

KL 397

The Public Domain Expands

February 1, 2019

As of January 2019, the public domain in the United States expanded for the first time in 20 years. Since the Sonny Bono Copyright Act of 1998, 1923 had been the cut-off year in which books published in the United States could be assumed to be out of copyright. On this January first, the cut-off year advanced by a year to 1924. Without future copyright law changes, the cut-off year will continue to increase by one every January first until 2073.

Ernest Lowe: Black Migrants to the Central Valley, 1960-1964

January 9, 2019

Immediately following World War II, more than 30,000 Black sharecroppers migrated to California's Central Valley. Coming from places like Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi, these migrants looked to escape the oppression of new-slavery tenant farming and the Jim Crow south. These migrants established their communities in the shadows of the giant farms of the Central Valley, but soon found themselves without work as industrial agriculture took root, and mechanization further decimated the number of available jobs. Some migrants migrated again to the coastal cities in search of new opportunities, but others remained. In the early 1960s, photographer Ernest Lowe visited the Central Valley towns of Pixley and Dos Palos. The photographs showcased in this exhibition are a record of that visit--showcasing communities of single-walled houses with little to no electricity, no roads, no infrastructure. They tell the remarkable story of those who ventured west in search of a dream,...

Workshops for Staff: Leveraging Library Resources

December 18, 2018

Short (25 minutes) workshops are available the week of January 14th for staff. These sessions are intended to increase familiarity with library resources and services for staff’s professional and personal use. Each workshop is offered at least twice. RSVPs are appreciated.

Workshop Offerings:

Elsevier Journal Negotiations: 2/28 Update

December 18, 2018

February 28, 2019: The University of California announced this morning that they are ceasing negotiations with Elsevier. UCOP has published a press release and the Academic Senate has published a letter to faculty discussing its decision.

Visit the Elsevier Journal Negotiations page for more information.

New Platform for Several Gale Databases

November 15, 2018

Several of the UC-licensed Gale databases are now live on the Artemis platform, while others will be transitioned based on Gale’s schedule. The new platform incorporates several new features and tools, such as term frequency (the frequency of search terms within sets of content to identify themes), cross-search capability (ability to search across the content of related products in a single environment) and downloadable OCR (materials are keyword and full-text searchable via optical character recognition).

Abrescy and Kranich Library Award for Student Research Excellence

November 1, 2018

The Carter Joseph Abrescy and Larry Kranich Library Award was established in 2017 to recognize outstanding undergraduate research at UC Merced. The award recognizes students who demonstrate effective use of library and information resources, as well as an understanding of the research process and growth in research practices. A committee of faculty and librarians will review applications and select awardees. A total of $1,000 will be awarded each year; no more than two awards of $500 each will be awarded in a given year.

All student applicants must be currently enrolled as undergraduates at UC Merced and be in good standing with the University (2.0 GPA). Students can submit applications for work produced individually or by a team. Projects or papers may be in another language, but all accompanying materials, including the reflective essay, must be in English. Students applying for the award must contact the...
