Interlibrary Loan Closure Dates December 9, 2011 The Interlibrary Loan division of the library will be closed beginning Monday, December 13, 2011 and will not reopen until Wednesday January 4, 2012. ILL requests may be submitted between these dates, but please be aware that they will not be processed while ILL is closed. |
Copyright Criminals October 27, 2011 Hope to see lots of our friends this evening at the screening of Copyright Criminals. Free food and great entertainment! |
UC Merced Library Support for Open Access Week October 24-30, 2011 October 24, 2011 The UC Merced Library will host two events this week in observance of International Open Access Week. |
Bobcat Bookstore Gift Certificates for Web Usability Testing Volunteers September 1, 2011 We're looking for new students to do some usability testing on our library website. Participants who are willing to spend an hour testing the website (we're testing the WEBSITE, not YOU) will receive a $25 gift certificate to the Bobcat Bookstore. |
ARTstor Image Download Announcement August 24, 2011 ARTstor users will now be prompted to log in or register to download images. Registering is easy. Find the image(s) you want. Click the download button. You will be prompted to log in or register. Enter your email, create a password, identify your role at UC Merced (faculty, graduate student, etc.) and select your academic department. |
Conference Proceedings Citation Index August 23, 2011 Over 148,000 conference proceedings from multiple disciplines in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) are now available through Web of Science. Citations are available from 1990 forward with cited references from 1999 onward. Approximately 400,000 records for proceedings are added yearly to CPCI. |
ARTstor Is...Latin American Studies August 19, 2011 The ARTstor Digital Library offers many excellent resources to support Latin American Studies, encompassing materials from the Pre-Columbian era through the Spanish conquest, and from Cuba's revolution in 1959 to images of Carnaval in Brazil in 2008. |
2010 Journal Citation Reports Available July 25, 2011 The 2010 Journal Citation Reports are now available. JCR provides a combination of impact and influence metrics and millions of cited and citing journal data points that comprise the complete journal citation network of Web of Science. |
Web of Science has New Look and Features July 19, 2011 Web of Science users will see a new interface and enjoy many great new search features the next time they log in to the database. On July 17th, the new Web of Science became the primary platform for this popular search tool. |
New Library Resources July 15, 2011 The California Digital Library (CDL) has recently acquired several new databases which are available through the UC Merced Library. |